Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aloha! The first "challenge" my class had to complete was to reflect on a event that affected us personally, locally, nationally, or globally. This "challenge" might have been easy for everybody...but I have a pretty blessed life and also a very non dramatic life. Some of my classmates had really dramatic events, involving kidnap, death, and crashes. I had nothing near tragic that happened to me personally compared to my class mates. I choose the Japan Tsunami for my event. Even though I personally did not experience the event, I was affected by the event personally. The Japan tsunami was very personal for my family and I. I am full Japanese and have friends and family all over Japan. When the tsunami occurred I was watching it happen from a live feed on the Japanese news. After watching the news with my mom and making sure my friends and family were okay, my view of water was corrupted. I always loved the water and most of my memories were with the ocean. What I thought was so pure, calming, fun, and whole turned out to be something powerful, destructive, and dangerous. My views of the ocean were corrupted from the tragic tsunami that I saw take away people homes and lives.

Beautiful Lanikai Beach, Oahu (My favorite beach)

Powerful an destructive Japan Tsunami 

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